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Gutter Clearance

​One of the major causes of household damp is blocked and overflowing guttering. Other issues arising can be problems with painted fascias, brickwork and even damage to foundations.
The Guttering's job is to channel water away from your property quickly and effectively before it can start to cause problems. Its therefore imperative that they are maintained and kept clean and clear of obstructions at all times.













Fascias & Soffits

Your fascias & soffits are an integral part of your home and as such, should be well maintained.
Cleaning of your PVCu fascia & soffits is not expensive but can increase their life span and will keep them looking their best.
Whether you just want to keep your fascias & soffits maintained or if you like to keep them looking new, we offer you the services you need at affordable prices.

Contact details


Mobile    : 07849 369504

Landline : 01323 400047




Address: SWCS

               The Hollies

               Guardswell Place


               BN25 1SD


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